Learning to “act” japanese

Im from latin america but im going to stay over 8 months in japan due a job opportunity. I cannot turn it down. I need this job even if it’s temporary.

Someone gave me an advice that i should learn how to “act japanese” during this time because my culture and values wouldn’t fit with japanese society. It seems that japanese people would see me as anoying because my people are “overly friendly” to say it in a polite way.

For example im a very touchy person, i like to hug people when i think of them as friends, and i may be seen as rude and blunt because i wouldn’t think twice before speaking my mind and my personal views in general. For what ive been told this is unacceptable in Japan.

So back to my intial question. How can i even began to learn how to “act japanese”? I don’t know anything about Japan but im willing to learn.

  1. Don’t touch people.

    Watch how other people act and learn from them. You don’t have to act Japanese, then there’s no point in being foreign. you just have to not do stuff that will bother others

  2. One thing about Japan is that Japanese never expect foreigners to act Japanese. You basically get a pass on a lot of things. Even if they might think you’re being rude, or not displaying the right etiquette or something they’ll just think “Oh it’s alright, he’s just a foreigner” and they won’t really hold it against you.

    So I wouldn’t worry about it that much. But yeah, there’s very little touching between people, not even handshakes.

  3. Take that with a heavy grain of salt; the Japanese are absolutely miserable, so my best advice is “don’t be a dick”. That way, you end up adapting stuff that doesn’t make you seem like a “rude foreigner” without getting sucked into the parts of Japanese culture that are actively detrimental to Japanese society.

  4. 1) Do a google search of ” Japanese etiquette “.
    2) Read and learn the rules and the unspoken rules.
    3) Be Polite, be respectful.
    4) Always be on time -BE EARLY -always.
    5) Respect all the rules all the time – “WEAR A MASK”.
    6)–Don’t Bother Others.
    7)–Don’t Litter.
    8) –Don’t be Loud !!!!!!!
    There are more rules.
    Good Luck.

  5. 3 things: don’t touch people, especially hugging;
    pause and think before you talk, but don’t hold back when necessary; lower your volume (Japanese usually are lower volume than others).

    Otherwise don’t try to act Japanese. People won’t expect you to, unless you’re nisei/sansei.

    You won’t be able to understand the nuances of unspoken language in such a short time, and could unintentionally give off totally different vibes.

    Just be you, but calmer. 😎

  6. Don’t act. Tone down these things if applicable:touching, loud and or sudden noises and talking, and cologne or perfume.

  7. For the one person who will be annoyed, there’s many more who will appreciate that they had an intercultural experience by knowing you. Be yourself.

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