Help about visa and moving

I am at the moment 18 and i will be in a danish high school also known as Gymnasium for the next 3years,
So I am basically in a business oriented high school, and I would like to know if there are some specific studies or a specific type of degree, that could help me to better my chances to get a work visa and a job in Japan.
Since now I’m supposed to be choosing a path / what kind of studies I’m going to be getting, in danish it’s studieretning.
And here are some things
/b Marketing sand companies
Dianna and companies
Economics and international marketing
Language and international economics /b

So my question is what would be best of these to get a work visa in Japan,

Or should I try to get a job in Japan as a construction worker or hard labour worker, since I already have background in construction,

Thanks for your time

  1. > Or should I try to get a job in Japan as a construction worker or hard labour worker, since I already have background in construction,

    You can’t get a visa to do that , so that’s right out. Other than that you should pursue a field that interest you, not “ will it get me to japan”.

  2. Hey a degree in a field you would enjoy working in. If there are jobs available in Japan great, if not, you can find a job in your home country. DO NOT base your studies on what will get you a job in Japan! Have you ever been to japan? How do you know you’d enjoy living and working here?

  3. I know that it seems like you need to hurry and try to move here or you’ll miss your shot, but believe me, at 18 you still have loads of time. I’m in my early 30s and just moved to Japan with a way better job and way higher salary than if I’d tried to go when I was in my early 20s.

    Figure out what interests you. For all you know, you could come to Japan and hate it. Loads of people do. Maybe you’ll like it but have to go back home for other reasons. If the only thing you’ve got going for you is a job you don’t like, you’re going to be extra miserable doing it no matter where in the world you are.

    Try stuff. Find an interest. Pursue it. Learn and grow. Try visiting Japan and other places to see what you do and don’t like about foreign countries. Japan’s not going anywhere, except maybe under a couple feet of water.

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