Weekly Praise Thread – 23 September 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. I got a 3 year visa renewal this week with mostly freelance work, and with a few adjustments I can go completely remote. 🙂

  2. Thanks to the mods for deleting that awful “Americans are stchewpid about cultural differences but I, a culturally superior Brit, will enlighten you all” thread from yesterday.

  3. Praise to the night bus drivers for driving on the highways without sleeping. IK it takes toll on the health in the long term.

    Firefighters, Policemen, Hospital nurses & everyone working night shifts, we empathise with you.

  4. I nipped out on an errand without an umbrella, got caught in the rain, took refuge out front an apartment building and the caretaker saw me and gave me an umbrella from his lost property basket. He puts the care in caretaker.

  5. So glad the border is finally reopening. Hoping that some of my friends from home can finally come visit. Took them long enough, eh?

    Also enjoying the cooler weather. Tshirt and a light jacket is my ideal.

  6. Woke up late today, but arrived on time for works despite all this heavy raining and around 20 minutes slope bicycling.
    Now I am hungry…

  7. For the first time in a long time I’m feeling really positive about the direction of my life. Things are going really well with my girlfriend, I’m enjoying my job, and at the same time I’m back in school studying.

    It’s a lot to juggle so is sometimes overwhelming, but it feels like I finally have a path again.

    Oh, and after getting back from an (admittedly very nice) visit to the US I am newly grateful to be in Japan, which helps as well.

  8. – It’s been really cool at night. Been sleeping really well.
    – On my way to Nagoya now and gonna stay until Sunday. First time going! Pretty excited

  9. The kitten with the wonky leg has found an amazing adopter. After neuter and second vaccinations she’ll be on her way to her new home.

  10. As a redditor suggested yesterday on the complaint thread, I am gonna praise myself for doing something to improve my work situation by looking for a new job.

    I slept well, feel refreshed, and am ready to scroll linkedin 🤣

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