Wedding in japan, groom speech.

So me and my wife are going to japan, in November and are getting married again for her family’s sake. She now tells me I’m expected to give a speech in japanese (even though my Japanese is at a minimum). Could use some advice 😅.

Is it just like a western wedding speech, any do’s and don’ts, can i incorporate my really bad western, sarcastic, Danish dad humor?

Thanks ❤

  1. >can i incorporate my really bad western, sarcastic, Danish dad humor?

    You *could*, but nobody would get it and 20 years from now the memory would send you deep into a tailspin of anxiety.

  2. This is clearly a 1st date conversation topic. By waiting this long they know you’re too invested to back out now. Good luck in avoiding any more groundbreaking surprises.

    As for etiquette, my advice is to just be you. If you want her approval show it to her in advance and hopefully there are only minor corrections. If she wants to be surprised, that’s permission to say anything, poorly, the way you want.

  3. I’m a Japanese and I have attended many my friends´ weddings(10+).

    A typical groom’s speech is constitute of

    (1) Gratitude for people gathered for your wedding, and for people who supported you over the past (and in the furture)

    (2) compliments for the bride

    (3) Expression of determination to create a long(perpetual) and happy home

    Don’s are critical speech and dirty jokes.

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