How does one find part-time university positions?


I’m a 6th year JET that’s graduating with my MA (Applied Linguistics) at the same time my contract finishes in July. I was fortunate enough to spend my time on JET teaching at an academic high school, which I’ve seen some uni positions accept in lieu of uni experience. I’ve also jumped at every opportunity to do conference presentations, workshops, and other work at my prefectural BOE. I should have at least two peer-reviewed publications prior to graduation as well.

I really thought I’ve done most of what I needed to prepare for making the jump into university teaching. However, I’ve been searching JREC, JACET and every JALT chapter that compiles job postings to little avail. I found a ton of full-time positions that I’m woefully unqualified for, one full time position that I’m qualified for but looks extremely competitive, and another full time position that looks very sketchy. I’m still yet to find any part-time university work.

I’m willing to move anywhere in the country, yet it seems like I’m out of luck regardless. I heard people often teach part-time to get experience but I can’t find any of those jobs. Is there somewhere that I’m not looking, or is this simply a bad time to be looking? Am I just going to have to bite the bullet and work at a dispatch company like Westgate?

EDIT: I appreciate all the advice! Thank you all so much. I’ll apply, even if it seems out of my reach, and network as much as I can in the meantime at JALT events. I’ll keep my ears open for these word of mouth positions.

  1. Just shoot your shot at the jobs you think you’re underqualified for. You might be surprised at the amount of replies you get.

  2. Honestly though most part time jobs are really word of mouth.

    Great time to be looking though. You are waaaay more qualified than you’re giving yourself credit for. Just send out some applications dude it’s time consuming but hey it’s practice. Gets easier each time.

    What are the qualified-but-competitive and sketchy full time ones?

  3. The school year has literally just started, so unless someone flakes out, it is going to be tough right now. You’re best bet is to keep on eye on JREC, the JALT-CUE Special Interest Group with JALT and their Facebook group, and there is a University Job Thread FB chat and hope for an opening in September. They will probably start advertising in June/July for that, but maybe earlier

  4. I think:

    1. reach out to faculty at universities in your vicinity … but you’ll need to find the people who are actually in charge and not people who are basically just 2 steps ahead of you.
    2. JREC-IN … but a high percentage of part-time jobs are filled by connections. (My university for instance never posts part-time courses — they are always filled by connection, but I see a few places posting them regularly on JREC).

    you can still apply for full-time things.

    But jobs generally are for either April or less frequently October starts, so your timing is poor. Conversely that means you’re a great match if someone quits their job mid-year.

  5. Complete sidetrack – I’m you, but a few years behind. I’ve just started my MA in applied linguistics. Any advice? Best of luck.

  6. Well, there are more positions around August-November. Right now is the beginning of the year so the worst time. In general, word of mouth is best for part-time. However, you do seem to have some good credentials for jumping to part-time so just try in a few months

    Still, there are a few bleak trends that one should be aware of that explains why it’s harder today than say, 5-10 years ago


    1. With population decreasing, some Universities are closing/cutting classes/departments. This will only continue
    2. In recent years, many Universities have started implementing “teaching” contracts where basically you teach 10-20 koma week full-time without any research obligations. This is cheaper for the University and reduces the number of part-time positions available because the full-time people eat up all the koma.
    3. Low-tier universities are starting to turn more and more to dispatch like Westgate and a few others, unfortunately.

  7. Just apply everywhere. Remember, a job posting is their wishlist. The fact you’re willing to move is great. Apply everywhere and in the meantime, see if you can pick up any kind of work at a local university, even tutoring would look better than nothing.

  8. >I’m still yet to find any part-time university work

    That’s because the academic year *just* started. You’re about five months too late. It’s possible there will be more listings before summer vacation and you can get some classes for the second semester.

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