New textbook this year. OH NOOOOO!!! It’s the “I have a PEN” all over again.

New textbook this year. OH NOOOOO!!! It’s the “I have a PEN” all over again.

  1. I keep hearing how the curriculum for junior and senior high is improving, and that schools are adopting a communicative methodology.

    Yeah, bullshit.

  2. Another thing I can’t understand is why they refuse to write their name to match the language and culture. It’s called “first name” and “last name” guys.

  3. 「英語の発音では、日本語と違ってたくさんの息を使います」lmao.
    I guess I’ve been speaking English wrong all this time. I mean sPeaking. Gotta aspirate those Ps more.

  4. I have seen videos of English-speaking people training their pronunciation so that they don’t flap the paper in front of their face to improve their Japanese.

  5. You have got to be joking. This is why no one takes English education seriously.

  6. They could get together with the 社会 teachers do to manzai.

    English Teacher (holds up pen): “This is a pen!”

    社会 Teacher: (holds up photo of blonde fascist lady who may end up running France) “This is Le Pen!”

    Want to bet they’ll end up having their 15 minutes of fame on the wide shows?

  7. If your mask doesn’t fly off your face and hit the kid in front of you, you’re not leaning into your ‘Ps’ hard enough.

  8. Tell them if they really wanna get good, they have to spit on the person they’re talking to when pronouncing P’s. That’s how English speakers REALLY know how 上手 you are.

  9. As a kid in japan, I swear a website to learn english with 100$/year fees does much better than school.

  10. actual english;

    “who’s someone you look up to?””mad respect to grumpy cat.”

    lol mind you the reverse also happens, in textbooks teaching japanese there’ll be conversations between friends which are super uber formal and my irl japanese friends are just like “lool who needs particles or like, most of the word anyway” and i’m just there like *tosses textbook aside*

  11. The Japanese book I learned from offered three questions as conversational openers “Is this a pen?” “Is this a pencil?” and, bizarrely, “Is this a washing machine?”. So … a) how would anybody confuse a washing machine with a pencil? and b) what kind of teacher puts the complicated kanji for washing machine 洗濯機 alongside ペン in Lesson 2?

  12. No one in real uses sentences like “I have a pen” But I think they are just bringing this up because most Japanese kids don’t understand the concept of indefinite articles. By the looks of it, I think it’s a middle school textbook. The kids are 13,they need the sentence structure to be as simple as possible. The real issue is the lack of conversation practices during high school.

  13. You guys **have to install the Minister of Education who can speak English at your level and replace all the English teachers who don’t speak English**.

    I am a sheer victim of this education. I had served my honest entire 6 years and found out it was completely useless 10 years later in Australia.

    p.s. Be aware of fake Japanese teachers on the net. They look like this textbook in the same sense.

  14. This is the result of some member of the education ministry seeing some rap star say “respect” and thinking this is the “real” native lingo.

    Book two in the series will be covering the opposite meaning “dissing” as in “Don’t diss this pencil cuz my mama wrote my name on it for me.”

  15. Anyone have the video link to that news about English pronunciation referred to in that picture? Friend doesn’t think it’s real.

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