Singles without close family in Japan – how do you deal with guarantor asks at hospitals?

I’m going in for minor surgery soon and on the hospital form they want me to provide two people (reachable in Japan) who are willing to be my 連携保証人 up to 1,000,000 yen each, in addition to the usual emergency contacts.

Now, I’m not proud to admit this, but while I have some people I’d consider casual friends (as in, we go out together sometimes and do social activities, etc.), I don’t have a single person living in Japan that I would feel comfortable asking to be my 1 million yen guarantor, much less two of them. My parents or extended family would sign, but they’re in my home country so they wouldn’t be accepted anyway (there’s a spot to sign/stamp, so I need to bring them the form in person). I already feel awkward asking friends for the much less onerous role of emergency contact, since they have to provide their address and stamp in addition to their phone number.

I asked the nurse about it and was adamant that I did not have anyone who could fill this 1M yen guarantor role, and I actually need to call them back about it tomorrow because I got wishy-washy answers (“are you sure? How about parents? They’re overseas? Family? They’re all overseas? Friend? None that you feel comfortable asking 1M guarantor from? Well…maybe it’s okay anyway without…hmmm….”) it sounded like they might let me be hospitalized without filling these in but really didn’t want to.

I’ll call them tomorrow and figure out what I need to do for this specific hospitalization, but it has me thinking more long term – if I plan on staying single (and I do) in Japan, this is going to be a huge problem in the long run for me. I can find friends willing to be emergency contacts or no-responsibility ‘guarantors’ (like for apartment stuff where they’re not on the line for anything but maybe receiving a phone call), but I’m not at all confident in securing two people who are always willing to sign 1,000,000 yen guarantor contract slots for me.

If anyone else here is like me, how do you deal with this? Is it a problem often for you? It’s honestly got me feeling really down, I feel like a really major loser (I guess I am, but should that get me turned away from hospitals?), I’d be perfectly willing to put 1,000,000 yen up myself but that’s not an option and things like this will probably continue to be a problem going forward as my body gets worse as I age and I need to be hospitalized for anything in the future.

  1. It’s a shame they put you through this stress when an upcoming surgery is stressful enough as it is.

    I wouldn’t worry about not having a guarantor. It’s illegal for them to deny you treatment, as it says [here ]( (sorry I’m quoting a Mainichi article but it’s based on laws by the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare)

    > …it is legal to decline medical examinations only when there is an absence of a doctor, or when a doctor is ill. Declining admission due to the lack of a guarantor infringes on the Medical Practitioners’ Act

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