Taking a short term position in Japan shortly before leaving on JET?

Long story short, have a short term position from May-July available for me in Japan, so can interview at my consulate in Feb no problem, but if I took it, I’d have a year-long working visa in another field already. Would that be an issue if I disclosed it if I was accepted in April?

  1. What?

    I dont think i even understand your question. Are you already on JET? Are you applying to JET now? It might help if you throw in the years in questions.

    Are you applying for JET this year 2022 and hoping to interview in Feb 2023? While at the same time you already have a job in Japan from only May 2023-July 2023?

    If I understood this correctly then if you pass all the application stuff it shouldnt be an issue as long as you communicate everything and have a stable address. Heck it might MIGHT even be a good things since they wont have to fly you to Japan, seeing as you’d already be there?

    IDK probably do as someone suggested and just communicate it with JET/the embassy or consulate youre applying through.

  2. I think you made the story too short, its hard to follow what you are asking here. I *THINK* what you are saying is:
    – You have the opportunity for a short term position in Japan in May-July of 2023.
    – You want to apply for JET for the 2023-2024 cycle.
    – You will be in your home country in February 2023 for interviews if selected.

    Assuming all that is true the answer is….ask your embassy/consulate.

    The only eligibility criteria this would touch on is the the residing in Japan one which prohibits you from living in Japan for a total of 6 or more of the previous 10 years. Assuming this would not put you over the top for that, you should be fine in that area.

    The final area for concern is VISA status, generally you have to submit your passport ahead of time for VISA approval. You would need to work with your consulate to ensure that you are able to get the correct VISA since you will obviously need your passport while you are in Japan. Further, some consulates/countries are somewhat strict about leaving from your location with your group of other JETs/doing orientation, so you will need to coordinate with them about your status there (such as already residing in Japan at the time and whether you need to travel home and then back to Japan). Again the only people that can answer this for you are your home embassy/consulate.

  3. But it’s already July, are you talking about next July? Are you already on JET? Get your thoughts together and write the question again.

  4. I’ll say it’s case by case and very rare. I remember there was like 1 2020 ALT that actually started in 2020 cause they were already living/working in Japan at the time of their acceptance. They interviewed at their home consulate then left to work that summer and were able to transfer to their JET school after a few months. So not impossible, but only if certain circumstances are met I think.

  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. Just to say someone got in touch to say they’d applied for another job, moved to Japan, got accepted, then just switched their visa to do JET, but had to find their own way to orientation, so seems totally doable. Will obviously let the relevant people know the sitch if this happens.

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