Weekly Complaint Thread – 28 July 2022

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. The Japanese delivery company responsible for shipping a large item to me here (a professional home voice recording booth) is trying to tell me that they *can’t* deliver it to me, since the street leading up to my house is too narrow and has a slight incline…even though another moving company that delivered all my household goods in a big moving truck got up here and unloaded all my crap without breaking a sweat.

    Their solution? Asking me if I have a storage unit I can pick it up from (what makes them think that I can carry a 650kg container in my sedan?), OR, “acquire a forklift” and use that to carry it up to my driveway. *Seriously?* Yeah, let me just go get my Japanese forklift license real quick lmao.

    If I can’t convince them that their truck will indeed fit on my street (I mean c’mon, I even have pictures of the moving truck in my driveway), then I’ll probably just tell them to unload it on the bottom of the street, and I’ll unpack it and carry the parts up myself. But damn…this thing travelled ~6,500 miles to get here…yet the last 20ft appear to be the most difficult to travel, it seems.

    By the way, don’t even get me started on the Import Customs Clearance process…because I can complain about that too lol

  2. What ever happened to whispering and passing notes in class? It’s a fucking lost art form. Whisper? Nah, I’m good, Teacher. I’ll just talk to my classmate like we’re in an izakaya, thanks.

  3. Somebody’s been stuffing trash under the outside unit of our aircon. It just baffles me. I could understand some drunk or an idiot tossing their conbini trash on their walk home (some do). But this was strangely someone’s household trash, some sauce bottle etc cleanly washed and stuffed into a potato chip bag then pushed deep under our aircon. Just, why go through the trouble?

    Reminds me of the time I was planting some flowers in front of our house and some grandma just placed her empty coffee can on our lot and walked away without a word.

    Japaneese so cleeeeean…

  4. I feel pretty lonely in Tokyo. I work at a university which means that I dont meet many people throught work at all and it is difficult to build new relationships with people in your mid-30s. I hope I am not alone with this.

  5. When my wedding ceremony was cancelled because of korona back in 2020, I consulted my company on what I should do about my hard earned 3 special wedding paid vacation days. They told me the *general rule* is that I needed to take them within 1 year from the konintodoke, but “maybe we can make an exception because korona, just let us know when you want to take them”.

    Time passed, and korona didn’t, but now that we are finally at the point where you can actually go abroad, my wife and I will go visit my parents next month. So I asked about my 3 wedding vacation days, and the conclusion is that I *cannot* get them any longer, because the *general rule* is that they must be taken within 1 year of the konintodoke. Oh well. Is the silver lining here that I have *25 days of yuukyuu* stacked up?

  6. I’ll take the responsibility for this since I decided to take the 内定 from a yakiniku restaurant whom I got to know at a career fair but one of my assigned tasks is to clean the tables and the (gas furnace?) in the middle of each table as cleanly as possible.

    My back is starting to hurt and that was only after my first day on the job. I was even told by my manager that I cannot sit down while cleaning since it looks bad to the customers who may be watching. I hope I get used to it and I learn to keep up, especially when it gets busy during weekends and holidays.

  7. People that don’t actually answer the questions you put out there, but just want to write something about the topic. It’s like, “Erm… I asked a question. I didn’t ask for you to blab on about something related. Either answer the question or be quiet. I know you just want to write something, but you’re just getting everyone off-topic. My question still isn’t answered.”

    Did anyone use Yahoo Answers back in the day? You could have your comments deleted or even get booted off the forums for not actually answering questions. I liked that style.

  8. I’m the only one that cleans the house, and being WFH I’m spending a good amount of time trying to make everything perfect. Pros of having a white floor is it’s easy to see any dirt. Cons is every time I walk through the house, I find a smudge or something and need to clean it then and there.

    Also, new ACs efficiencies seem random. Sometimes they’re quite efficient (or too efficient) and the place is chilly. Other times, you set it on the lowest setting and it’s just lukewarm air. This can vary at any point of the day, so it’s not due to the outside temperature/sun or anything.

    Last one — Just been congested for a couple weeks now. Getting headaches. Oh and if I laugh, I have to pay in coughing and wheezing for 20 seconds.

  9. My boyfriend got COVID despite working from home and not really going anywhere. Best guess is his bad habit of wearing a PITTA mask to the conbini. He’s still so sick after 10 days he will need to be hospitalized if he doesn’t stabilize. He’s a healthy 30 year old and I’m scared to death. My university’s hospital is also completely full and I’ve been called to do way more translating for patients than usual outside of my usual work. Please. Please take care of yourself and others. I’m at my breaking point.

  10. Oversea customer last minute canceled a web meeting while team was already in the meeting room. I was being blamed by my Japanese bosses because this showed that I am lack of communication skill and as an account manager to this customer, I am losing credit. ( I did confirm with customer earlier and he told me he will join). Another young boss told me this is about Japanese face problem(面子). Really ruined my day.

  11. My Japan Post bank ATM gave me the notice that I needed to update my residence card info for them, so I did via the website, twice. Neither one worked, I guess (what’s the fucking point of the website then?), and I eventually got locked out of my account.

    So, I went in to the actual office and updated the info and let them copy my card (it’s good until 2024). They said the messaging will stop after 2 weeks. It’s been well over a month and I’m still getting that stupid message. I’m worried it’s going to lock again.

    I went into the office again to ask about the messages, and they are like “you did everything fine. just wait and they’ll go away eventually. if not, just come back and we’ll do it again.” I don’t want to have to update my card info every month or two. What is this shit?

  12. Another complaint for my MIL’s sake.

    She adores the baby. She got corona and had to be quarantined from last week.

    Today he is 100 days and she still ordered a cake and everything but she can’t cuddle yet cause she still has a slight sore throat and slight fever after the fact. She is pretty upset and I feel for her. 🙁

  13. It’s hilarious and painful how brutally honest small kids can be.

    The neighbor girl came over for about an hour cause she was locked out of her place and I felt bad for her just sitting outside the door in the heat and mugginess.

    It was her first time at my apartment so I got to realize all the shit that I already knew but haven’t had said to me directly recently.

    No that instrument is corner is never really played. Yep, it’s basically just a decoration now.

    Yea, I *used* to be fast at running back in the day when I was in high school/uni but now the most exercise I get is walking to the corner store.

    Thanks kid, is yer mum home yet? Git on home already. Haha, just kidding she really is great and special but the honest questions… ouch.

  14. Plants are so mysterious. When they start dying and the Google says “it could be overwatering! Or underwatering.” Lol. I want a pepper plant with actual spicy peppers but I’ll try to raise the plants I have first.


  16. I know it’s probably a common complaint, but Japanese drivers are the absolute worse. I’ve driven in a dozen countries and experienced the driving in a many more, but Japan is the worse. Drivers are so unpredictable here. Thailand and Philippines are chaos, but it’s a predictable chaos. Here, the drivers will just do random shit with no warning. I used to think it was just a handful of terrible drivers, but I’m not accepting that anymore. I see drivers doing stupid shit too often for it to just be a coincidence, there something wrong with Japan’s drivers and driving schools, because these people have no clue how to drive safely.

    I can’t stand it anymore, there roads are so dangerous, mfers always playing on their phones while driving on the expressway, idiot parents with their kids jumping around the car (majority of the parents at my child’s school just let their kids stand in the back of the car), people tailgating at 100kph, pulling halfway into the road at an intersection before stopping, running red lights for a solid 3-4 secs after it changes.

    I wish I could move to a country where they had some damn common sense

  17. COVID, Hand Foot and Mouth, *and* RSV are circulating at kid’s hoikuen. Cool cool cool cool cool…

  18. Came back from Thailand this week after 10 days of pure joy between Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai with my kid. It was my first trip to that country. I live in Japan for 11 years and now I hate it here. Tired of the food, the robotic customer service, the excess of rules and overpriced food.

  19. Another one, it sucks looking at people travelling overseas (both people I know in Japan and overseas) knowing ticket prices right now cost a kidney. I want to have my bougie Europe summer too, dammit. ^(/stomps foot)

  20. Visa renewal online system isn’t recognizing my card reader, but the My Number points site application does.

    Also, backslash is broken on my keyboard I just found so I can only do a face with a wrong facing mouth. :/

  21. For a few minutes there, I could have been the crazy person assaulting others on trains. Definitely-drank-some-alcohol-guy sniffling with his mask down right beside me on my train home after I had to do overtime and take no proper break because I’m swamped with work I have to deal with alone because two of our staff is out of commision because of COVID. The temp could only help to a certain point. Did I already mention that I haven’t had breakfast because I was originally going to be at a later shift? I had to come early because my co-workers can’t come to work because of COVID. I didn’t only have to deal with today’s work. I also had to deal with the work not finished by a co-worker because of COVID. 🤬

    …Thankfully, I’m still within the boundaries of sanity.

  22. Because of Covid cases going up, I’ve cancelled my plans to continue working remotely while traveling around everywhere using the Seishun18 ticket. Now I’m back to staying at home alone working on hobby projects while listening to lofi.

  23. My students are a bunch of bitches.

    “I thought the deadline was next week, not yesterday. Please take this late homework!” Fuck off, kid.

    “I was having….’computer problems’ and couldn’t submit my homework, here you go, it’s late”. Fuck you. You and the other 10 students who mysteriously had computer problems all at the same time.

    “Okay okay I know I plagiarized my essay and I got a 0 but *actually* that essay wasn’t my final draft.” Eat shit, you got a 0 and it’s staying that way.

    Never in my short career at the university have I had so much complaining from students when they clearly are in the wrong. Do their Japanese teachers let them get away with this kind of shit?

  24. Fast food here is slower than molasses in January.

    I have been finding myself popping into McDonald’s more than usual lately. Despite my mobile order going in like 10 minutes beforehand, I still wait another 10. I could understand if it were busy, but I was the ONLY person in there! God forbid you do actually go during a rush. You’ll be waiting a half hour…

    I usually get there to see a huge group of staff getting in each others’ way. Manager is just as clueless and can’t delegate tasks to save their life.

    And what’s with the goddamn military precision they need? I don’t care if my drink isn’t filled with ice *exactly* to the line. You got someone in their holding my drink cup up to the light like they’re performing some chemistry experiment.

    I dunno, back home I worked at a Wendy’s during uni and we had to have drive through orders done in 45 seconds and 90 for orders taken in person. I’ve literally never seen anything even remotely fast from any fast food joint here.

  25. Listening to a video about ADHD. I don’t like these kinds of things because I like to think of myself as relatively well adapted and also because I’m a cocky bastard, and it makes me sad how the whole video is just me to a tee. Creativity, interest based attention. Check. Needing new environments to get in gear- I fucking renovated my fucking dorm room three fucking times since I came here trying to get productive, check. The love of a challenge- fuck me and all the elective courses I took, check. Hippie bullshit about wanting to be creative and create stuff, change the world and make an impact- ugh! Check.

    Fuck me upside down with a goddamned cactus and fertilize a rice field with my guts, because that’s not what I need to be. I’m a southeast Asian with 3 younger siblings that need to go to uni and 2 parents that should get to retire, I need to be the engineer or the doctor or whatever that can make a good educated living out of and provide! Not this western wannabe hippie that cares about happiness and shit that wants to study fucking art and do random gig jobs for a living or something! For ducks sake.

    I hate the mainland Chinese students and I hate that I hate them because I know I only feel this irked about them because they’re everything I need to but cannot be. Excellent, heartless, disgustingly effecient studiers with no ethics that don’t care about anything other than what benefits them. If only I were like that.

    Tldr: I just realized that I’m not getting my chemi or bio credits, fuck 😭

  26. I (23f) had a neighbor stop me on my way to work to lecture me about trash that had been in the community box for a couple days, that was – surprise- not mine. He proceeded to lift it out and try to hand it to me, when I pointed out a mailing slip pressed against the side addressed to a house/ name that was clearly not mine. He proceeded to stumble his way through a lie about how there was a bag with letters addressed to me and labeled medicine bottles inside (I haven’t had any prescription medicine in the last year) then proceeded to accuse me of taking the trash back to my house (I did not.) well, it’s good to know whose been leaving those anonymous letters in the mail every time trash gets left behind I guess?

  27. What’s up with these papakatsu chicks lately? Used to be 2万 for 大人. Now it’s 4万. Sod off, skank.

  28. Internet died. So-net guy says the lights on my router is “not normal”, so I’m supposed to wait for NTT to contact me. If I remember correctly they like to take their fucking time. Working from home, so this might cause some problems.

  29. Had to deal with my first roach here. God damn they’re huge and fast. I’m usually fine with bugs, but I was not ready for this.

    Took a week before the bastard made the mistake of crawling out into the open with no cover. Gave it a good smashing, just to make extra sure it wasn’t coming back. I just hope that this is an isolated roach that somehow snuck in, and not a sign of an infestation in the building.

  30. My pre-teen daughter is on the chubbier side and it’s so damn hard to find a skirt for her uniform that actually fits her. All the sizes here run really small, and I’m so stressed out about because I don’t want her to have any body image issues. We’re in the process of getting her healthier but that’s gonna take a while to have an effect, and I need solutions now!

  31. So a large part of Japan Life is a bunch of people who moved to Japan complaining about living in Japan. This doesn’t seem healthy

  32. How is it that credit card companies can show purchases and update your balance immediately, but take a few days for your payment to clear the balance?

  33. Just got rejected from a company for idk why. It’s def from the owners side and i feel so bad from the agent cause his voice was shaking when he told me about it. He seemed to be very hopeful about the apartment too, since he did call up on the company taking care of the apartment building asking can 2 foreign students who are not family live there or not and they said yes. Now back to apartment hunting except they all really want reikin lmao

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