Medicinal Cannabis will be getting legalized

Is all over the news – 医療用大麻 – they’re looking at it as an epilepsy treatment.

Wondering how an entrepreneurial foreigner could profit off this news…

Also means about the time I retire they’ll be legalizing it for recreational use so I’ve got that to look forward to!

  1. >Also means about the time I retire they’ll be legalizing it for recreational use so I’ve got that to look forward to!

    You must be currently high if you believe this

  2. Never used cannabis, but I have friends in the States who use it regularly for chronic pain (in ointment form) and it seems really helps with it. Hopefully it gets legalized and people who need it get the relief they deserve.

  3. This is awesome. Here’s hoping recreational use comes optimistically within let’s say a decade.

    There’s tons of people who would benefit from having that as a recreational option, and tons who will benefit from the medicinal approval. Congrats on a good decision, Japan. Better late than never.

  4. No it won’t. A health panel just recommended that it should be legalized. It’s up to the dinosaurs in power on what to do with that recommendation. Also you can already get high recreationally. Whether it’s turning cbd into thc or smoking one of the many synthesized strains. Not as good as the natural stuff though.

  5. Cannabis isn’t getting legalized anytime soon, medicinal or otherwise.

    From [this Japan Times article]( (paywalled, clearing cookies allows you to view the article):

    >Japan, which has strict laws against the use of marijuana, should consider approving the import, manufacture and use of **medicines derived from cannabis**, subject to the same approval process as pharmaceuticals, a health ministry panel said.
    >At the same time, the country should do more to discourage recreational use of the plant, the committee said in its findings following a meeting Thursday. Possession of cannabis is illegal but not its use; the panel **recommended that unsanctioned use should also be made a criminal offense**.

    (emphasis mine)

    The key takeaways here are:

    1. Medicinal cannabis isn’t being legalized; it’s only medicines derived from cannabis that might get approved.
    2. The same panel that recommended this legalization also advocated for making consumption of cannabis even more illegal than it already is.

  6. That’s amazing!
    I can’t wait till we start seeing vending machines on every corner with Cannabis <3

  7. Ohh didn’t see this ever happening, hoping this will lead to something being avaliable for Fibromyalgia too!

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