14 night (13 day) trip to Japan Mid to end of November

Looking for some critique on an itinerary for the coming mid to late November. This subreddit has been invaluable in working out what we are planning to do in a restrictively short time however i’d love to get a second look at it in case i’ve made some glaring errors.

We have been wanting to go to Japan for years and had flights continually cancelled and booked for 3 years over covid before finally giving up and accepting it wasn’t going to happen….. until they suddenly open up and we decide to go for it and eat the cost.

In terms of route I was keen to not retrace my steps too much and not put too much pressure on travel and connections – please let me know if there are any points where we will struggle in this regard.

In terms of locations we wanted to hit the major spots and I was also keen on Takayama and Kanazawa but we’ve decided to leave them for another trip to avoid moving around too much and to have plenty of time in Tokyo. I like photography so some of the locations are picked around this.

The general idea is a week of Tokyo which should help us kill the jetlag etc before a week of travelling around seeing the other sights.

Itinerary as follows:

**Monday 14th:**

Land at Haneda at 1900 (if not delayed), transfer to hotel (not yet booked but likely at Tokyo station or Shinjuku area)

Sleep: Tokyo hotel

**Tuesday 15th until Sunday 20th:**

This period we will be staying hopefully at the same hotel to have a base to explore Tokyo – ive not planned any detailed itinerary but intend to hit the major sites, first stop is to pick up a new camera though as the weak yen makes a huge price difference with the UK. Another plan is to have a day trip to Lake Kawaguchi on a clear day, see some sights including the Maple corridor and then set up on the lakeside to timelapse the sunset facing Mount Fuji before getting the train back.

6 nights in the same hotel is a lot but I really don’t want to waste time moving luggage around Tokyo if possible

**Monday 21st**

Early get up to go and make a knife in a blacksmith in gifu – it’s right next to the Shinkansen station so essentially using it as an activity to break up the journey – aiming to arrive at RC Hotel Kyoto around 7pm and then heat up to Kiyomizu-dera for some views over the city.

Sleep: RC Hotel

**Tuesday 22nd**

Ideally a dawn get up to explore Arashiyama before looking at other sites in that area. Gio-ji moss garden, Togetsu-kyo bridge etc

Sleep: RC Hotel

**Wednesday 23rd**

Dawn get up to get to Fushimi Inari before the crowds and then more Kyoto sites in the area.

Sleep: RC Hotel

**Thursday 24th**

Get up and travel to Koyasan, drop off bags at Soijiin Temple and explore area. Hopefully get lunch at Hanabishi which I saw recommended here

Sleep: Soiiin Temple

**Friday 25th**

Breakfast in the temple then head to Osaka. Drop off luggage in hotel and then hit the aquarium, Castle and maybe a few other sites before Dotunburi food and drinks in the evening.

Sleep: Osaka hotel TBD (cheap ideally)

**Saturday 26th**

Early rise again to get the train to Nagiso station and then tax/bus to Tsumago. Drop off luggage at Fujioto Ryokan, have some lunch and do the Tsumago to Magome trail, before either reversing it or taking a bus/taxi back to Tsumago depending on energy levels. Evening photos around Tsumago

**Sunday 27th**

Breakfast and morning photos around Tsumago before travelling to Nagiso station and getting the train to Odawara station and heading into Hakone. Drop of luggage at Ryokan before heading to Sengokuhara fields, seeing the shrine at the lake and getting some street food. Dinner and bathing in the Ryokan

Sleep: A ryokan ideally with a private bath, hard to find availability though – suggestions welcome.

**Monday 28th**

Breakfast in Hakone, then head to Tokyo. Check in to Park Hyatt (what can I say, im a lost in translation fan) Spend some time at the hotel, afternoon evening in Tokyo doing any final things. Maybe a meal in the New York Grill overlooking the city.

Sleep: Park Hyatt

**Tuesday 29th**

Get up early, go to Haneda for 9am flight (hoping I can get breakfast in the room as we’ll have to leave before it’s served)

Sleep: On the plane (hopefully) and then at home in the UK – lame

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