There was an anki deck for japanese all this time? 😳😳

I literally made my own deck with over 2k words for there to be complete 8k decks already?? 😑😑 whatever I’m just gonna stick to my own deck and keep on adding to it ig

  1. Well I guess technically yours has a higher value for you personally tha any other deck out there.
    Also some aren’t really that great to learn from them.

  2. random pre-made decks are almost never as good as a deck you make yourself, especially if you’re making it as you encounter certain words, since you’ll recall the context that you first encountered the word in when you review the card

  3. I make my own deck for the most part imo. The only premade deck I use is one based on the text book I’m working though.

  4. Yes, keep making your own deck. [The Anki manual even recommends it over using shared decks](, a point that a lot of people miss because they don’t read the manual:

    > Creating your own deck is the most effective way to learn a complex subject. Subjects like languages and the sciences can’t be understood simply by memorizing facts — they require explanation and context to learn effectively. Furthermore, inputting the information yourself forces you to decide what the key points are, leading to a better understanding.
    > If you are a language learner, you may be tempted to download a long list of words and their translations, but this won’t teach you a language any more than memorizing scientific equations will teach you astrophysics. To learn properly, you need textbooks, teachers, or exposure to real-world sentences.
    > `Do not learn if you do not understand.

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