Is it rude to ask questions to Japanese women

If I’m flirting and just asking general things about her interest or what she likes, is it a sign of disrecpect. Even just asking bout it to maybe to just be friends? Like even be nice and ask hey do you want to go out for coffee seems like a hard sell.

  1. It’s not a good idea to do something strange, abrupt and unnatural toward random strangers.

  2. Basically just ナンパ isn’t it. The general impression probably not that good unless you’re at nightlife spot.

  3. It’s kind of weird to flirt with people on the street here and pretty intimidating… The closest thing to that is “nanpa” and there are usually certain places where that occurs. But a foreigner doing it is kind of weird.

    Are you doing this in English or Japanese? If you are going up to Japanese people in English on the street and trying to flirt that is super weird.

    Stick to apps or organized activities to actively meet people.

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