English audio for Japanese PS5 games.

I suspect this is a bit of a dumb question but I only moved to Japan last year so here we go: do Japanese versions of American videogames usually also have an option to switch to the original English audio and subs? Game stores around me are selling The Last of Us part 1 new for around $45, the digital American version is $ 70 so I\`m pretty tempted..

  1. What stores are you looking at that accept US dollars?

    All snide aside, The Last of Us Part 1 has full English support according to the Gaijin Gamers discrod skrvr (intentionally mangled due to automod’s fascist tendencies). Do note that the Japanese version will probably be a censored version with toned downed violence.

    This will be heavily dependent on the games. Some games may come with English voices but interface completely in Japanese, when others won’t even give you the option. You can also check the official website for the game or directly on Playstation Store on the console to see if the game supports your preferred language.

  2. The bad news is that, it depends on the game. However, the general rule of thumb is that an originally American game will have English audio and subs at a minimum. It gets murkier for other languages and Japanese-made games.

    The good news is that these days you can check on the. PSN. The audio and interface language are listed on each game’s store page.

  3. Check the game’s website on PSN, it’ll most likely show whether it has English support or not.

    However, the absolute majority of games nowadays have English support even if you buy the Japanese version, the only exceptions that I know are from software games and Call of Duty. Join the gaijin gamers community so you can check their list.

    Also, be careful with censorship, the last of us is censored in Japan.

  4. Oh wow TIL the gaijingamers website no longer exists… It was a website that had lists of all Japanese versions of games that have no, partial, or full English support. Have to tip a chu-hi out in memory of that site.

    According to my google-fu, gaijingamers is now on discord


    ~~Whoops – looks like The Man has auto modded this post coz it has a discord link in it.~~

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