Update: Employer saying she won’t accept my resignation

Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone here for the nice comments yesterday on my post! Just wanted to give an update on my post for the people!

Today at 6 am I recieve an email regarding the 退職合意書 which I assumed was normal (NDA, formalities etc)

However no where in the mail it says that she has accepted my resignation.

On top of that the mail itself has : if you don’t sign this by the 18th of this month you will not recieve pay for your last month.
The English is super broken since it says “Unless you fail to provide the document to the company, company will hold your salary until it is signed and given to the company before October 18th.” Which makes zero sense in English since first line is a double negative, last line says until it is signed and given by x date which also is contradictory.

To add to all that, my date of resigning has been pushed back (she claims since accounting related things are done by a certain day in the month so I have to leave before that), my name is also not written correctly in katakana (wrong way around, spelled incorrectly, missing my middle name which is in all my Japanese documents)

So yeah. This just cements that this person is a tool. I’m so relieved I resigned I could cry my eyes out but I did that yesterday already.

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