Anyone have issues or trouble with native language tutor?

I have been taking tutoring lessons twice a week since last December. It started out really great, She was the same age as me and she was very nice. It’s July 2022 already, and the homework she would give me would have 30+ sentences I needed to remember without using notes.

To be fair she did start the homework very easy and light, and it gradually became more ridiculous. When I would return to tutoring, more than half the class was spent on reviewing the homework. We barely had time to study the new lesson. For example, with directions we just lightly went over directions and vocabulary words for front,back,side,left and right. The library is behind the hospital, learning sentences like this.

It would be sometimes I couldn’t go to every class, and sometimes she would cancel . And it just became more and more.

I remember one class very well, and I was trying to say Koko= here. But it was for highschool instead. But she just let me sit there embarrassed without any help for minutes, to the point where we both became very frustrated, with the long sigh afterward and a “omg” face she had.

I’m not smartest, I get that, my knowledge of English grammar is below average I’m sure than what it should be.. but learning Japanese started out so fun and interesting, but the repetitive homework is what killed me I think.

The last thing she texted me was ” Hi hope your doing well, when you want to have class just let me know”.
I did text her the same day, because I already spent so much money and I don’t want to quit now, even if we are not compatible.

Anyone else have same problem? I feel really terrible, and also a little upset she just stopped contacting me.

If you need more context I can provide.
I can also send a photo of my homework.

I don’t want to quit learning Japanese, but moments like that really left me a bad taste.
Thanks for reading.

1 comment
  1. Different instructors have different patterns. Some interrupt to fix things quickly, some let you take all the time you need and wait for you to ask for help or for answers. I prefer the latter honestly, I hate being interrupted or rushed.

    Neither is wrong, if it bothers you just discuss it and ask for quicker correction.

    Koukou is high school and koko is here, so it’s a matter of long or short vowels, or perhaps she wanted a different intonation pattern from you.

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