Tokyo set to issue same-sex partnership certificates | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Tokyo set to issue same-sex partnership certificates | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

  1. It’s a good start.

    Even if it’s technically not that powerful, having an official looking document can make a world of difference to hospitals, banks, and real estate agents

  2. Taiwan has had full gay marriage for a while and now Thailand is decriminalizing weed. Japan is behind the western world and recently is even proving to be behind other countries in Asia.

  3. That’s wonderful. It’s been talked about for a long time, especially since the start of the system in other cities and in shibuya. It’s not the end to reach equality, and some organisations may not want to acknowledge the certificate, but in general, a better access to housing and hospital visitation rights? Such a relief for those couples.
    Not being able to visit your dying partner in the hospital…I can’t even imagine.

  4. Won’t mean shit. But that won’t stop foreigners from gushing “Tokyo just *legalized* same-sex marriage” all over the internet just like they did about Shibuya years ago.

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