Internet Explorer shutdown to cause Japan headaches ‘for months’

Internet Explorer shutdown to cause Japan headaches ‘for months’

  1. Haha, freelance IT workers are gonna be having the time of their lives

  2. It was so obvious this was going to happen. They also always required super old IE versions to begin with.

  3. It’s wild how Japan has the reputation of being a hi-tech nation, yet still uses IE a half decade after it’s phase out and end-of-life phase began, all while using Excel to make a word document.

  4. A representative for a tech company, speaking on condition of anonymity, assured us that things would be fine “as our fax machine has been updated to work with AOL”.

  5. Wait until Windows 7 finally stops working. It will cripple some workplaces.

    I wish I was joking, but every school I have ever worked at has used Windows 7 for their OS. As of this year.

  6. I went to “MY Toyota” website to schedule yearly car maintenance, using chrome, the website never stop “loading”, had to whip up good ‘ol nostalgic internet explorer to login … Toyota, wealthiest car company in the world, still rely on internet explorer.

  7. oh man, it’s gonna be fun explaining this to users for the next few weeks.

  8. Does not surprise me at all.
    Took ages for Japan Post to make their awful e-内容証明 service support anything other than IE.

  9. For my work, I’ve translated “*インターネットエクスプローラーを開いて。。。*” as “*Open your browser and go to (3rd-party American website)*”, only to be told by my boss that I need to change “browser” to “Internet Explorer”.

    No matter how much I tried to explain that not many people in Western countries use IE, he insisted that the 3rd-party American website would only work on IE.

    Japan being a country full of old people and having the lowest rate of computer literacy I’ve ever seen in any country, it is going to be a shitstorm. I feel sorry for tech support and tech-savvy grandchildren.

  10. Jap gov is also internet explorer unfortunately. just ask jeeves, he’ll tell you how to suicide.

  11. The adage remains true:

    Japan is like the year 2035 in all the ways that don’t matter, and 1995 in all the ways that do.

  12. Awesome. Get to read all of one paragraph of this article before the paywall hits.

  13. Here I was going to go into IT after my last year of university

    Contemplating now

  14. Microsoft should have consulted with all companies relying on IE first and not act suddenly and autonomously /s

  15. The land of The Fax Machine will not take these lightning-quick changes in technology lightly.

  16. Question: how do Mac, Linux, and mobile users survive in Japan? I understand that they are not popular in the corporate world even in the west but even government sites are still requiring them.

    From what I see also here as well, Japan does not have a high rate of computer literacy. I assume part of this is due to boomers, but is it also due to the difficulty of writing the Japanese language on a computer?

  17. My company rolled out a Chrome version of our e-text to replace the IE one last week. It is broken AF.

  18. How is it IE’s problem? People in Japan shouldn’t be using such outdated software. I guarantee a lot of PCs are still running XP or Vista too. It’s the people’s problem, not IE.

  19. Does this mean there is demand for web developers with modern tech skills? Please Japan.

  20. I cannot get over the irony of Japan still using explorer, but also developing the most powerful quantum computer in the world. Japan would do so much better if they just kicked their old people to the curb. The boomers are holding them back.

  21. I thought the Japanese was super smart about computers but they have been using ie this whole time lol

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