New Job and Pension

I recently made several posts here about getting a new job which I got with a Japanese company. All good no problems after a lenghty process.

In prep for the new job I need to provide some informtation and one of them is about the pension.

Again no surprises with this as they need info to pay in to it for me. Only minor problem is I don’t have a pension. I’ve never been a full time employee during my entire time in Japan and have been working freelance for several years at home so the opportunity to get into a japanese pension never came.

My question is now that I need one to provide the new job, does anyone have any experience of having to enroll into the pension after many years of not being in it? If so how did you and the city office work around that and how long if any was the backpay period into the pension?

Help much appreciated!

  1. You were always supposed to be enrolled in national health care and pension regardless of your employment state via your local city hall.

    Will this new job require you to join shakai hoken, or just asking you for your national pension information?

  2. Go to the pension office. Sign up. Get ready for them to suck much teeth and also be prepared that they are going to want a certain number of years of back payment. Just because you weren’t signed up doesn’t mean you don’t owe for those years.

    They should give you a pension booklet. This will have a number on it and you will give that to your employer.

    While you are there explain that you didn’t realize you had to be on the pension and are very very sorry could they help you get onto a repayment plan rather than having 2 years hit you all at once (IIRC it’s 2 years – might be more – they’ve been cracking down with the whole mynumber thing).

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