What the helk is 社会保険料?

EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out! I have to pay for the month I arrived in Japan 3 years ago, as it wasn’t taken out then. So what I’m paying for next month is: the month prior, plus August 2019’s Health and Pension. Thanks everyone ❤️
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So, my supervisor told me that I not only have to pay a year’s worth of residents tax at once before I transfer (I was paying monthly), I also have to pay ¥85000 for 社会保険料. But, what is that? It’s not pension, it’s not health insurance. Can someone please explain exactly what I’m paying for here?

  1. Shakai hoken is pension and health insurance im pretty sure

    Paying years worth of residence tax isn’t the norm if you’re just transferring and not going home i think

  2. Shakai hoken is the insurance plan for people who are employed full-time. It’s mandated by law that if your employer employs a certain number of people and you work a certain number of hours you have to be enrolled in it. The cost is split between yourself and your employer.

    Shakai hoken is your medical insurance, and also   pension, unemployment, long-term care and workers accident insurance.

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