Looking for pumpkins

Costco used to sell pumpkins around this time of year.
Didn’t see any today or last year too. Anyone know where I can get my Halloween fix in Kanto?

Rakuten and Amazon are last resort options.
Hoping to meet my pumpkin before I bring it home.

  1. Check your smaller, shopping street flower shops. I’d say about 60% of them in my area (Shinagawa) have pumpkins for sale. They aren’t cheap though. Starting at 2000 yen for a small-to-mid sized that’s carvable.

    Edit: a particularly impressive example, but [like so – from today](https://i.imgur.com/KG7o5VV.jpg).

  2. National Azabu has them. Seen them at various flower shops, too. Tempting but so overpriced I can’t do it. ¥4,000 for one that is worth carving. Used to carve a few every year when my kids were small but now they don’t give a crap about Halloween at all.

  3. 業務用スーパー。

    I’ve found a carvable pumpkin here from time to time, but they’ve always been on the small side…

    Will probably depend on your locale.

    Rather odd that it’s so hard to find a Jack’O’Lantern scale pumpkin here in agrarian *Ibaraki*…

    I suppose I’ll have to grow my own next year.

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