Is it possible to have 2 rakuten-mobile sims on my name?

I’ve been using Rakuten-mobile for like last 1.5yrs. My GF have come to japan with research student VISA (less than ~8~9m left, doesn’t have a credit card yet). Is it possible to get 2nd Rakuten mobile sim on my name?

My main reasoning is:
– Rakuten mobile is kinda cheap
– My sim works on her phone.
– She doesn’t have Credit Card.
– I saw few posts about Rakuten (Or other sim companies) rejects the person with less year in their VISA.

Basically, objective is to get sim card without too many procedures (or rejection).
Also we’re considering other options like MVNO. what are good data+voice MVNO option with cheap and high data?

  1. Yeah, you absolutely can. Each Rakuten account is permitted to have a maximum of up to 5 lines.

    I got approved for a second line without much hassle at all.

    There’s no need to be too honest and put her name as the applicant. Just make the application for the second line with your info.

    That said, Rakuten is now my backup (secondary line) on my phone. I am mainly using Ahamo because of the faster speed.

    Edit: ~~Oh darn, I just re-read your post and saw the thing about your visa. Unfortunately, Rakuten is quite strict on the Visa duration and tend to reject new applications if you have less than a year of validity. My friend got instantly rejected at the application page.
    You can try your luck I suppose.~~
    I’m dumb, your GF is the one with the less-than-1-year visa. If your visa still has more than a year of validity, then yeah, go ahead and make that second line.

    For your reference:
    Rakuten Hikari: [Rakuten Hikari ](

    Rakuten Mobile: [Rakuten Mobile ](

    Ahamo (Docomo): [Ahamo](

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