Is there a tool where we input a sentence, and it shows how to handwrite its kanjis?

Title. I would like to input a whole sentence like ” 子どもの親が失職する” and instantly be able to find its kanjis’ stroke order to quickly write them down.

  1. Yeah, the Kanji Study app can do this. In the app, click “Search”, type the sentence, and then switch to the right tab labeled “kanji”. It shows all the kanji you just typed and if you click on any of them it’ll take you to a page that demonstrates how to write it (click on that part to practice it yourself) along with readings, definitions, and sentence examples.

  2. I sometimes use [This page](, which is a “kanji dictionary”, I think that it’s in spanish only but if all that you are looking for is stroke order then it’s okay, actually I only use it for that.

    For your request, yes, you can paste the whole sentence and it will automatically scan the kanjis and let you go to a page when you can see readings, meaning (In spanish), and words that share the same kanji.

  3. kanji study. You can copypaste a whole sentence and it will give you each kanji and their order stroke. I don’t know if an online dictionary can do this too. But this app is a great tool!

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