Ringotan – Free app for learning how to WRITE kanji

After months of hard work, the iOS version of [Ringotan](http://www.ringotan.com/) is out in open beta!

**[DOWNLOAD (IOS)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ringotan/id1633001064)**
**[DOWNLOAD (ANDROID)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Ringotan)**

Please [report](http://help.ringotan.com) any bugs before leaving a bad review! 🙇


**What is it?**
Ringotan is an app for learning how to _write_ kanji. It teaches you each kanji step-by-step, then uses SRS to ensure you don’t forget it. Visit [the website](http://www.ringotan.com/) for more info.

**Is it free to keep?**
Yes. I plan to eventually charge for it, but anyone who downloads it during the beta will get to keep the full version for free.

**Does it support Textbooks/Wanikani/etc?**
Yes, it supports various textbooks, as well as Wanikani _(Wanikani API integration coming soon)_.

**Does it support Hiragana/Katakana?**
Yes. If you already know them, they can be turned off in the settings.

**Does it support tablet?**
Yes in theory, but I haven’t tested that yet..

**I found a bug. Where do I report it?**
Bugs can be reported [here](http://help.ringotan.com), or just PM me.

  1. Downloaded it earlier this week and have been enjoying it so far 🙂 thanks

  2. Thanks, this looks great!

    I’ve been using the “Learn Japanese! Kanji Study” app (com.lulilanguages.j5KjAnd on the Play Store). Your app already has a lot of features missing in that app (Kana support, choice of study resource, more “difficulty levels”/different input prompts). What I like about the other app is that it shows me the strokes that I’ve actually drawn, in addition to the proper solution. I feel like showing only the “correct” Kanji encourages sloppy input.

  3. Super polished, and impressive that you include a lot of training regimen, even Japanese for Busy People!

    Will you include radicals at some point?

    I struggle with even remembering what the kanji is supposed to look like, even if I can read it no problem. Learning by radical instead of by stroke would be amazing. Fill in the missing radical would help with distinguishing look a like kanji.

    Solid learning tool here, would definitely buy this.

  4. Your app is fantastic!!!!!!

    I really like that there are now two common words instead of one in the new update. Is there going to be any way to customize these two words more? for example some people might want 1 ON and 1 KUN yomi, or there are quite a few words commonly written in hiragana that show up as a common word and I would like to hide those.

  5. Loving the app, you did a hell of a good work, thank you! If I may suggest a feature that I’d like to see, it would be the possibility to write words obtained by the combination of 2 or more kanji you learn, so that it would be possible to learn kanji in words and not only in isolation. For example → once you have learned 先 and 生, it would be cool to have the possibility to test yourself on words which contain those kanji, such as 先生 for example

  6. helloo! loving the app so far! I was wondering if you happen to need a designer to help you at all? I’ve recently graduated college, so I’m looking for some projects to volunteer for, and thought I’d start in areas that I’m interested in. Lettme know if you’re interested! thank you!

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