List of sentences close to each other


A way I really like to learn is by having multiple sentences with each time one different word and their translation, and I was wondering if anyone know where I could eventually find these (Kanji + Hiragana + Translation ideally). Here is a exemple with French so you way it should works:


* “Je mange une pomme” => “I eat an apple”
* Je mange une tarte” => “I eat a pie”

=> Without any french knowledge you can guess that “apple” = “pomme” and “pie” = “tarte”.

* “Je coupe une pomme” => “I slice an apple”
* “Il coupe une pomme” => “He slices an apple”

=> You can guess that “slice = coupe” and that “I” = “je” and “he” = “il”.


I feel like that way of learning feels really because:

* You have an “useful” usage of the word;
* You learn a whole sentence;
* It is less boring that learning word one by one without context;
* You can eventually learn more word if you see somewhere else the same kind of sentence with one different word.

  1. I don’t know where you can find it but I agree it’s a good method. They used the same method in some of my Japanese lessons where they would teach in Japanese with no English used at all.

  2. A few general learning apps do this. For example, despite it always being frowned upon, *Duolingo* does what you are describing. Per module, typically you’ll have the same sentence written a dozen times with slight variations.

  3. Message me and I can send you a link to a BUNCH of stories that are translated children’s tales.

    I think it kind of breaks down the way you are wanting.

    It does the full sentence in Kanji and if it’s the first time you’ve seen that Kanji, it gives you the Hiragana for it and then has the translated sentences below it.

    It’s a good way to learn to read and speak.

    The down side is that I am told a lot of this is “old way of speaking” so you’d kind of sound like “Yes, m’lord” or “Have at ye, scoundrel”.

    Anyway….lemme know if you want them.

  4. Rosetta Stone did this when I tried it about 10 years ago. Not sure if that’s how it is for the whole program or what, but they might have a free trial or something.

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