Different Kanji with Similar Meanings

Is there a good resource for learning the nuances of kanji with similar meanings like 正 vs 当, 去 vs 先, etc and when to use each, or is it something you just get over time?

  1. You never see kanji in isolation, you see them as parts of words. You don’t need to differentiate their meanings, you just need to know the words they appear in and what those words mean.

    Learn vocabulary! Priming yourself with RtK1 or a similar mnemonics method will make that faster.

  2. If you learn real words, you won’t get them confused. ただしい is always 正しい. あたる is always 当たる. さる is always 去る. さき is always 先. And so on. Same way you choose between F and PH.

  3. Not sure how they are similar. … 去 ( to leave/ pass) and 先(previous, ahead); 正 (correct) and 当 (to hit [a target])
    How are you studying kanji?

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