Akamonkai Japanese Language school 1 month of class update as a complete beginner

Hey everybody. It’s been 3 weeks now that I started class in Akamonkai as a complete beginner.

We had 2 weeks of classic class and then we had a test to determine if we can attend the fast class or the slow class. The test was not that hard but you had to obtain more than 85/100 to get in the fast class.
I have been very lucky and got 85, I am in the fast class for one week now.

From now the pace is vary fast (seems logic). We learn 6 new kanji each days. We use Mina no Nihongo 1 and we do one lesson every 2 days. For each lesson we have to learn between 30 to 40 new worlds.
The grammar is easy for now but I really struggle with learning the vocabulary. I would recommend to learn Hiragana and Katakana before coming because even if we study them in the first 2 weeks it is really fast and we use all the Katakana and Hiragana from the 1st class. It means that even if they teach it to you, if you don’t know them you will struggle a lot and have hard time from the very beginning of your studies.

On the top of that I don’t have yet a part time job so I can easily handle the pace but I am worried if I will be able to follow the pace when I will start to work.

My class is small and I like it (only 13 students), 80% of asian student and 3 European including me. Asian student are mostly Chinese and one is from Korea and others from Taïwan.
I have been assigned to morning class (which was my choice, at the fist day they ask you what you prefer) and I have class from 9:30 to 12:40. Hours my differ, some class start at 9:20 or 9:40. We have 3 5 min breaks and one 10 min break each day which is good when you brain starts to melt.
My teachers are great I love them but I guess I am lucky because other students tell me that they don’t really like there teachers. We have 2 teachers: one on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday; the other one on Tuesday and Friday.

Every day we have test that is not necessarily evaluated, it is just to check if we know the vocabulary and grammar.

I don’t really know what to add, ask me in comments if you need more informations. I will do an update after December.

Bye <3

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