Anyone have solutions for Japanese beetles?

I’ve been trying to grow some tomatoes and strawberries but the grubs just ruin them every time. Im going to give up with them unless there is an actual viable solution that isn’t mountains of work.

  1. Are you asking for help!?
    I imagine that all you need is love, a revolver, or simply let it be.

  2. Basil, rosemary, marigolds and chrysanthemums are pretty great for attracting parasitic wasps to take care of them for you, allegedly they also repel some insects. Since I’ve started growing lavender my beetle problems have largely disappeared. Though I still get the occasional stinkbug.

    If the issue is grubs eating the roots, coffee grinds are ok, not great for plants, but can harm the grubs. If you know where they are you can dig them up and let the birds have a snack.

    For the beetles, aside from picking them off, soapy water works for nearly all insects. The soap increases the surface tension of the water and prevents them from breathing. Also won’t harm your plants or produce.

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