What do you find in an apartment?

Gonna move again after years, and I was wondering what y’all look for in an apartment.

I googled around but I couldn’t find any good answers regarding the age of apartment etc

I did however found out that there’ll be tons of cockroaches etc on the first floor so I’m avoiding that.

Any other answers are appreciated. Thank you.

  1. You will be surprised how high up cockroaches can climb. The key is more in not being in close proximity to a restaurant, konbini as their garbage is a feast for pests as well as old places also make it easier for them to enter. I usually avoid 1-2 floor mainly for security and privacy. If you hate heat like me avoid straight south facing windows (somehow ended up last 2 times in these and even now at noon it feels like mid summer). If you hate bugs maybe choose a place not directly at a large green or park area. Also avoid toilet bath unit (its a mess). If you cook a lot make sure to have 2 heating pads (better go for gas, even if you used to prefer IH back home. It seems you can label anything as IH here). Check for proper wall thickness. I usuay let my phone play some youtube while checking from other rooms and outside how much you can hear which gives you an idea as to how much your neighbor will hear from your life. Avoid places near pachinko, bars, train tracks and major streets if you prefer silence and less roxic air. Living in a shopping street sounds romantic until you get blasted early morning by announcements. If possible go for a place with video intercom, you won’t notice how helpful it can be u til you don’t have it.

  2. Depends on your budget and what that budget will afford you in your preferred area but (in no particular order):

    1) **Reinforced concrete**: I’ve never heard anyone have a positive experience with wood-built apartments. You’ll probably never get 100% peace and quiet but RC is your best bet.

    2) **A balcony you would want to actually open**: a lot of apartments have balconies and/or windows that basically open up straight to buildings across from you (sometimes very close). Probably why you often find people’s apartments windows seem to be closed permanently.

    This also relates to noise. You should open up the balcony window and see how loud the ambient sound is. Ideally you want noise levels to be acceptable so that you don’t avoid opening up the windows from time to time to air out your apartment. We learned the hard way after living in an apartment right next to an extremely busy road. I never wanted to open the windows because it was so loud pretty much all the time, which likely made the pre-existing mold problem worse.

    3) **Train station, supermarket, and gym (but preferably not conbini) within walking distance (or a very short bicycle ride)**: Right now I work remotely so I’d be happy with the train station being further away (so I don’t have to hear the damn trains) but I’ve learned that having a conbini nearby is a blessing but also a curse. The amount of junk food I eat from the conbini just because it’s “there” is astounding. Of course it’s a self control problem but still.

    4) **Avoid really old (30 years old+) places unless your unit is fully renovated**: Last place was built in the 80s and it was nothing but problems. Lived in brand new and older (but renovated) places and never had issues with those.

  3. Check showers to see if water pools at the drain, checking anything water related is good.

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