Can you guys give me reasons to learn Japanese and maybe some reasons to not?

I’m confused on Chinese or Japanese and which one is better to learn

  1. Reason why: because you want to.

    Reason why not: because you don’t want to.

    If the motivation doesn’t come from inside you then you’re going to quit very quickly.

  2. Try it. If learning it daily turns out to be a chore, quit. Without that motivation you won’t get anywhere

  3. Are you passionate about it? Then yes, do it

    Otherwise, probably not? Not trying to be rude, but if you’re having second thoughts before you’ve even started, I’m not sure how far you expect to get. Japanese is one of the hardest languages for a native English speaker to learn, so unless you have a love for it, you’re probably going to have a bad time.

    Also, I’ve heard of some people studying Japanese because they were given the opportunity to move to Japan, which is a harder situation to size up. That depends on your needs and interests, where you’ll be working, etc. But I still think being passionate about the language is important in those cases.

  4. Reasons to learn Japanese over Chinese: It doesn’t have tones (it has pitch accent but it’s not super important for the most part)

    But really I think it’s just about which you think you’d be more motivated to learn

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