Can anyone confirm this? (The number 6 being unlucky)

6 – 六 (roku)

Another unlucky number is 6. Its’ pronunciation as a counting number is *muttsu*. This can sound like the word for nothingness, 無 (mu). **Gate numbers for airports, stadiums, and railway platforms avoid the number 6 for this reason**.

Source: [](

  1. While it maybe “unlucky” I’ve been on plenty of number 6 platforms.

    The whole: nothing is numbered 4 or 6 is an old superstition.

    Yes, some people don’t want to live on the 4th because 4 sounds like death.

    But the tradition of avoiding numbering things 4 and 6 is past.

  2. As Japanese I have never seen a 6 being avoided. Indeed there used to be a custom of avoiding unlucky numbers on everything in older days, but it always has to be 4 (shi=死=death) and 9 (ku=苦=suffering), afaik. Avoiding 6? I’m dubious.

  3. Never heard of six being a bad number. Just four and nine.

    But even with four and nine, it’s not as extreme as in the US with 13, I’ve seen lots of elevators without a 13th floor, but I’ve never seen an elevator without four and nine here. Hospital rooms will avoid 4 perhaps.

  4. I think the author of the blog you are referring to is not a native Japanese or did not grow up in Japan.

    Never heard of 6 being an unlucky number in Japan, and he got 7 wrong. 7 is a special number in Japanese culture that dated from way before Western culture was introduced into Japan. Definitely not from baseball!

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