N3 Exam Difficulty vs N3 Mock Exams

Hey everyone, I was wondering if anybody could share their experience from taking mock exams in preparation for the N3 exam.

Recently, I have been supplementing my studies with mock exams, most recently with the Attain Online Japanese school N3 mock exams found on Udemy.

So far I’ve taken the first two mock exams, scoring 123/180 and 129/180 respectively, but my confidence is still low after reading reviews that said these tests were easier than the real thing.

With only a month to go, I’m freaking out a little. Should I take these scores with a grain of salt? I’ve also been studying with the Sou Matome N3 series and find that the reading and listening books seem a bit easy as well.

Any tips or suggestions as the N3 exam date approaches?


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