Looking for current data on the use of robots in nursing care / care of the elderly in Japan

Hello Japanese speakers,

I am looking for recent data on the use of robots in nursing and elderly care in Japan.
I found some numbers in literature in English about it:

*„Even in Kanagawa prefecture, which is a pioneer care robot prefecture, only 3.4 per cent of the residential homes use them (Kanagawa Welfare Service Association, 2014).“* (quoted by Ishiguro, 2018)

However, these figures are from 2014 and I think at least some developments may have taken place in the last 8 years. I had hoped that some new statistics / reports might have been published by now. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Japanese and it is quite difficult to find up-to-date data in English. The primary sources used by Ishiguro (2018) are the following and they are in Japanese:

* Kanagawa Welfare Service Association, 2012. *Heisei 23 nendo kaigo iryo bunya robotto fukyuusuishinmoderu jigyo hokokusho* \[Report on project of promotion of robots in care and health 2011\]. Yokohama: Kanagawa Welfare Service Association.
* Kanagawa Welfare Service Association, 2014. *Heisei 24 nendo 25 nendo kaigo robotto fukyusuishin jigyohokokusho* \[Report on project of promotion of care robots 2012/2013\]. Yokohama: Kanagawa Welfare Service Association.

I was hoping that perhaps an updated version of these reports had been published (but I couldn’t really check that without speaking Japanese, and all sorts of translators weren’t really helpful haha). Maybe someone here has an idea where I can find something, or can help me find something with their knowledge of Japanese?

I would really appreciate it!
Thank you!


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