Introduction to Direct Hire Opportunities through Educational Network/E-Staff – Legit?

Hello! I was looking through some job boards today when I came across this company ([\_search\_process]( that apparently is able to introduce or dispatch you to private schools.

Does anyone have any information about this company? Or gotten their job through them? The site is pretty bare-bones so I’m not sure about whether they’re legitimate or not. Getting directly hired by a school instead of annually trying to get recontracted by a BOE is something I am looking into, but because I don’t have much of a network, I am wondering if I should allow a company like this to do the introductions for me.


And some related secondary questions –

\- Is there any real difference getting direct hire/private school work through a recruiting company like this, and as opposed to applying directly to the ones you see on job boards?

\- How open are schools open to negotiating salaries? Have seen one too many job listings for private school jobs at dispatch-like wages and I am a little incredulous.

Open to any advice or insight, thank you!

  1. This looks cool. I’ll be signing up later today unless someone here warns me not to.

  2. The golden rule with any recruiter for ESL is to not pay out of pocket. If they are playing by the rules, they are usually good to go. Dave’s ESL Cafe (a nightmare of a site) still lists untrustworthy louts, so do check it out just to be sure!

  3. They’re legitimate- Educational Network does dispatch for all kinds of teachers in Japan, not only native English teachers, and it’s owned by the Z-Kai group. I believe E-staff is just the office/department that handles the native English teachers. I’ve worked with teachers who were hired by them and they’ve said they’re reputable.

  4. I work for them and have no complaints. My position is dispatch, but I am able to deal directly with my principal/vice principal for almost everything. The pay is good, and I get shakai hoken.

  5. They’re legit and pleasant to work with. Starting a direct hire position in April after doing half a year dispatch with them.

  6. Have BOEs started the requirements to re-apply for the same position every year??

    I think another reputable company for private schools would be etas-net.


    Sometimes, private schools may use the old-school local government Hellowork services.

    As for negotiating salary is a western thing. Japanese don’t even ask, they just accept what’s given to them. Kind of like you being thankful that the employer offers you a job.

  7. I interviewed for a position via Educational Network a few months ago. I did not get the job, but I have nothing but good things to say about the company.

    The staff I interacted with with were very professional, timely with e-mails, and transparent (i.e. they told me to watch out for sketchy dispatch companies that try to weasel out of providing insurance benefits).

    Educational Network seems very fair and keen on keeping teachers and the schools satisfied. It definitely seems like one of the better companies to work with.

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