What is the best non-kerosene (electric) heater to use to heat a large apartment with?

I like the heat quality of kerosene heaters, but I’ll be in a place where it’s just too inconvenient. Any recommendations for good heaters that don’t cost a fortune in electricity, yet are just as powerful as a kerosene heater?

  1. I don’t think it’s going to happen. A quick, naive, search tells me that a ceramic heater puts out about twice the BTU of an electric ceramic heater. Air conditioners (using heat pumps) will always be the most efficient for electric devices.

    But, if you really want that radiant heating feel, an oil-filled electric heater is probably your best choice.

  2. Does your house have a gas outlet in the wall? LPG or natural gas fan heaters are very powerful and don’t smell as bad as kerosene. AC will be most efficient, but provides very dry air.

  3. Oil heaters are great – but don’t expect a quick heat, you prob need about 30 mins to an hour to warm up a room. But nice and toasty after that. Far safer too, especially if you have kids.

    They are efficient, but expensive if you run full blast. However, most of them come with wattage and heat control. I run one in my office at 500w and the thermostat at level 2 of 6 and it’s nice and warm. Just takes time to get there. Luckily they mostly come with timers too, so you can turn it on half an hour before you want to enter a room, and turn it off about an hour before you want to leave, so ideal for bedrooms.

    Run a humidifier at the same time and retain more heat – as well as being healthier for you.

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