Japan discovered a new way to make electricity

Japan discovered a new way to make electricity


  1. “and most off his needs depend on the rectangle” what?? What is that in reference to?

    This is very cool that Japan has developed their own way to harness tidal energy, but it was most likely not discovered in Japan. Projects for harnessing tidal energy have been in the works since almost 100 years ago, but it’s too costly to actually develop them.
    [Wiki article about tidal energy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tidal_power)

  2. So, first off Japan didn’t discover it. iirc a Scott did instead.

    Secondly, Japan is only the first nation to invest in large scale Tidal generation, but this is kinda eh. Tidal power has possible potential but has yet to overcome its efficiency and scale problems, not to mention problems with its lifespan and maintenance.

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日本の皆様、こんにちは。 リトアニア人です。 テレビ東京のWBSはリトアニアに関するルポは放送しました。リトアニア対して日本の放送は珍しいので、とてもうれしかったです ニュース番組ではリトアニアの政治について多くのことが取り上げられていましたが、日本の国民はこの小さな国についてどう思っているのでしょうか?テレビからすごく違っていますか? 政治以外の意見もいいですよ! 日本語で苦手ですが、すいません🙇 https://youtu.be/SsJXubx62KY