Do you think am I ready for the N4 test?

My studies so far include:

1.I have gone through Genki I&II from Aug. of last year to this year.

2.I have been immersing with vlogs and anime and VTubers and feel like i can understand maybe 30-45% of what I hear and make Anki cards from new words for 2 hours a day, everything else I do for 15 min.

3.I have been reading some JP tweets and graded readers books and have a decent time understanding (But I don’t read as much I listen.)

4.I went to JLPT Sensei and I know all the grammar from the N4 list and finished it last month, but I am struggling to come up with my own sentences to practice.

5.For kanji, I used twitter and graded for reading practice to help with my kanji and Anki with screenshots of the tweets I found the kanji in.

With all of this in mind, do you think I am ready for the N4 test this Dec.?

  1. Try some practice tests! Most of them were actual questions from previous JLPT tests so you can see for yourself if you’re ready :>

  2. Did you schedule it yet? Are you in the US? If so you have a while to study before you can schedule and sit.

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