JLPT in a little over two weeks and I can’t wait for this to be over.

Just need to rant a little to get past the burnout.

I started properly studying for the JLPT N1 about [5 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/v7hwfu/pacing_for_n1_prep/) and while I didn’t manage to stick to exactly this schedule I’ve finished SKM grammar + reading and a round of every question in ドリル&ドリル Kanji/Vocab and Grammar averaging around 70% ish.

I’m currently working through the listening book for ドリル&ドリル and doing a re-run of the grammar questions but it’s such a slog. I can finish what I need to do for the day in about half an hour but it takes me like two hours to get motivated to actually do the questions; I’m literally on reddit right now instead of doing my drills.

My daily routine is like 100 Anki reviews, 2×7 questions on the grammar book, and like 20 questions for the listening stuff and it’s just such a chore. At the same time I don’t want to reduce my pace because there’s only like 18 days left, and I *know* I can answer the questions so I want to cram in as much as I can to fill in any gaps before the test.

At this point I’m so tired of studying like this. I can’t wait for this to be over. I’m fairly confident I can pass N1 at this point but if I do fail I’m never studying like this again. I’ll just read some more books man. Anyways I just wanted to rant a bit, time to go back to studying.

  1. studying any subject can be quite straining mentally and physically, but it is very worth it, generally. good luck on the JLPT!

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