Japan bike law

Just an hour ago I got a Yellow ticket for not turning my lights on, and wearing headphones. He asked me for my address which makes me really anxious

  1. They’re going to brand a bicycle icon on your door so everyone in the neighborhood knows what you did.

    As for Japanese bicycle law, I’m guessing those two things you mentioned are against it.

  2. Bicycle law just got stricter a few weeks ago. The headphone thing could be points on your license and up to 5man fine.

  3. Yer, police are now giving yellow & red ticket for traffic violation.

    Saw a few bicycles being stopped by police already.
    Don’t: ride with umbrella, headphones on, lights off, riding fast on sidewalk, or anything that sounds dangerous.

  4. Your address isn’t recorded in the US or basically any county ever if you get a ticket? Settle down, pay at the post office and move on. Don’t do the dumb thing you did to get a ticket again. Or do. I have enough 整備不良 tickets to publish a book. They give that out to any dorisha they can’t pin something on specifically but want to punish them. It happens

  5. You said you’re a kid – so where are your parents?

    They should be helping you out with this stuff.

  6. This has been in the news. Tokyo police are cracking down on cyclists because the accident rate for bicycles has skyrocketed recently.

  7. You mean a bicycle not a motorbike, right?

    Seriously though, turn on your light. It’s not for you to see the others; it’s for the others to see you in the dark so you don’t get run over by a car.

    He won’t necessarily come to your home to collect the fine or anything, though. But he does need your address to write a report. That report wouldn’t “affect your future” as far as I know. Mostly you should be fine.

  8. They are going to come kick in your door in the middle of the night and haul your ass to the immigration detention. After a few years there, they will deport you. Better go underground, seriously, right away.

  9. There are a lot of people getting stopped lately, you will be fine if you just do what it tells you to do on the ticket, and google Japan new bicycle rules to make sure you know what is required going forward.

  10. Turn your lights on and take out your headphones. Do you have a death wish? Take the ticket as a damned lesson.

  11. I’m so glad they’re finally getting strict on bicycles. But I feel they won’t actually go after the ones that are fucking up the most. Elderly and mothers with two kids weaving through traffic

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