Civic group asks court to halt state funeral for Abe

Civic group asks court to halt state funeral for Abe

  1. I’m waiting for the right-wingers to slip the corrupt bastard’s remains into Yasukuni Shrine once the controversy dies down.

  2. I hated Abe’s politics, but I’m honestly bewildered about all the opposition to his state funeral.

    I mean, holding a state funeral for your dead rular is just what you do, isn’t it? Hasn’t every former US president received a state funeral?

  3. It would be embarrassing to not do a state funeral, as the world’s third largest economy and since he was assassinated. Lots of world leaders *should* be attending and the event would need support at the country level to coordinate logistics and security.

    This is peanuts compared to the clusterfuck known as the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Let’s talk about the cryptic budgeting and expenses, and the bribery.

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