What happens if you get covid while visiting your home country?

Does it affect being able to reenter Japan? What if you are vaxed+bossted, but still clearly sick (running a fever ect.)? Do airlines comp if you have to cancel because of covid?

  1. Obviously you shouldn’t get on an airplane while infectious. If you can get a refund or rebook depends on the airline.

  2. Depends on your home country, but what I’m hearing is airlines in western countries don’t care anymore, they’ll let you in without checking temperature/symptoms, and don’t even ask people to wear masks onboard..

  3. Japan and US aren’t checking temperatures or requiring a PCR. You’ll do a self-reported questionnaire before entering the country. I’d try to avoid flying while sick. Try to recover before you need to fly out and wear a mask.

    Edit: Also, it might not be COVID either. We are having a bad flu and RSV season this year. So please take precautions for yourself and others.

  4. Perhaps you can look into insurance that might cover you in such an event, if you’re concerned.

    Getting onto a plane while contagious (and likely infecting other passengers) would be absolutely unbelievably immoral behaviour, regardless of the whether there is a refund or not.

  5. You won’t be let on the airplane and in Japan, of course. You’ll have to rebook the tickets, wait till you’re not infectious anymore and then fly.

  6. This just happened to me the other week. I luckily had travel insurance and went to see a doctor (in the US) and they told me to push my flight back until the day that is five days after my symptoms started since then I should be less contagious. I flew back to Japan after that date, and set up my profile on the visit japan website. If you got the vaccine three times, you can enter japan without a negative PCR test. During the registration on the visit japan website, they do ask whether you’ve been exposed to somebody with symptoms or if you’ve had symptoms in the last 10 days. I answered truthfully and still got the “blue” screen that allowed fast track entry into Japan. I got in no problem.

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