Are there any Japan-based photo labs that will push or pull black and white film?

All of the camera stores I’ve gone to tell me that they won’t push or pull film, they’ll only develop at box speed. Where can I take black and white film to and get it pushed or pulled? I’m okay if I have to mail it to them, but I want the service to be Japan-based of course.

  1. There are a lot of online dev labs on yahoo auction. Cheaper to buy Chems and do it yourself if it’s a reg thing.
    I used to use Fuji spd, rodinal, d76 etc. Silversalt or Yodobashi is where I’d get chemicals. Or online I’d get a c41 kit from thefilmphotographyproject

  2. I stopped using labs for black and white a loooong time ago before moving to Japan. I had the feel that everything was dumped in the same 30C developer so times average out between stocks. Maybe I just had bad luck. Just do it at home and have the negs scanned. If you don’t have much room, I found a daylight loading tank like the Rondinax or the newer Lab-Box to be a useful buy. All the hardware fits in a shoebox.

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