べい is correct, comes from 米国 (べいこく)、the Kanji for the US. There are several „country kanji“ like that, 英 for England and 独 for Germany immediately spring to my mind, for example. You’ll hear them in words like 日米関係 (Japan-US relations), pronounced にちべいかんけい.
Yes, べいis correct. In this case it is tacked on to show that the Apple store in question is in the US, not in Japan. 独 どくfor Germany, 仏ふつfor France, 露 ろfor Russia, 豪 ごうfor Australia . 中ちゅうfor China , 韓 かんfor South Korea, 越 えつfor Vietnam, 印 いんfor India.
べい is correct, comes from 米国 (べいこく)、the Kanji for the US. There are several „country kanji“ like that, 英 for England and 独 for Germany immediately spring to my mind, for example. You’ll hear them in words like 日米関係 (Japan-US relations), pronounced にちべいかんけい.
Yes, べいis correct. In this case it is tacked on to show that the Apple store in question is in the US, not in Japan.
独 どくfor Germany, 仏ふつfor France, 露 ろfor Russia, 豪 ごうfor Australia . 中ちゅうfor China , 韓 かんfor South Korea, 越 えつfor Vietnam, 印 いんfor India.