Holders of special teaching licenses, how is the salary?

If special licenses* are equivalent to Japanese teaching licenses, are the salaries the same also? How much is your salary, bonuses, and other perks?

*not provisional licenses

  1. I get around 230k base pay with transport (6 month train pass) on top as well as a bunch of other misc that tops it out to around 280k a month. This includes a 30k housing stipend that goes away if I buy my own place.

    With that I get a bi-annual bonus of around 650k.

    All of the above is before tax.

    Every year I will receive a pay rise that is pegged to the average salary of a Japanese high school teacher of equivalent age and tenure to myself in my prefecture.

    According to the other teachers at the school I am at. If I were to have kids or if my wife were to stop working I would probably get a pay rise in support of that. I also get all of the standard one off payments that my colleagues are afforded when you have a kid or get married etc.

    I don’t know if my employment is typical of that of others but I hope that answers your question.

  2. I think it will depend entirely on your school.
    I get 46万 per month and 3 months worth of bonuses. Transportation (paid extra for any lessons over 17 per week)
    Perks are holidays. All of august/ two weeks or so at winter and also two weeks or so in spring.
    My wage doesn’t automatically go up though and I have to negotiate each year.

    Edit: I’m also free to do other work still outside of school – that’s not so common but not sure if you would consider that a perk

  3. I’m on 38万 per month and 5 months worth of bonus per year. I’m at a private Japanese highschool, not international school (which might have better pay). My school does salary based on work history, so with every year your experience increases so your salary also increases. That 38万 was based on 10 years of work experience, but only 1 year of teaching experience. I think that brought my salary down a bit but I’m not sure by how much cause no one ever talks about their salary.
    Edit: fixed wording.

  4. I make around 6.5 million per year, pre-tax and including bonuses. I work at a private JHS/SHS. I get a 5,000 yen raise every six months. Right now that comes out to about 39k a month pre-tax, and around 5 months worth of salary as bonuses per year. Bonuses are summer, winter, and a 入試 bonus because that season is a massive pain in the ass. When I rented an apartment I also got a 住居手当 of 27,000 per month, but after we bought a place that went away.

  5. God some of the comments in here are depressing. Im working at a private JHS and getting ¥4 million a year before tax and including bonuses (which are ¥200,000 twice a year). I also have to work during the summer holidays plus 2 Saturdays a week, working an average of 50 hours a week. Any overtime we do is paid at ¥500 an hour (yes that’s five hundred yen, I didn’t miss a zero). Also never got a pay increase when I renewed my contract and another teacher I work with hasn’t had a pay increase at all and she has been there for several years.

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