Does earning PR facilitate process of applying for the citizenship?

Hello, I realized since I am 29 years old, I have 80 points which makes me eligible to earn the permanent residency in one year. If i wait till 30’s i lose 5 points unless my salary skyrocketed.

My ultimate goal is to acquire the Japanese citizenship.
Does earning the PR facilitate the process to get the Japanese citizenship or they are not related?

  1. Officially not related but no one knows behind closed doors. But having PR is nice . Getting citizenship could take time anyway gathering papers.

  2. They’re not related.

    Permanent Residence is a status of residence granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    Naturalization is a process conducted through the Ministry of Justice.

    If you’re qualifying for PR via points, it means you’ve got a pretty reasonable job and so you won’t have to worry about the “being able to make a living through the person’s own assets or skills” aspect. So while not directly related, qualifying for PR via points is a reasonable indicator that you won’t have too many issues naturalizing once you’re eligible.

  3. – PR facilitate the process to get the Japanese citizenship – maybe

    – PR hinders the process to get the Japanese citizenship – absolutely no

    So what’s the harm in getting the PR if you are eligible?

  4. Technically it shouldn’t help, but since naturalization is a multiple steps process that include some rounds of interview in Japanese and writing a letter saying why you want to become Japanese, slipping in that you already got a PR and want to go one step further could help.

    The process is not purely about meeting legal requirements, there is a part where you have to convince other humans that you deserve to become Japanese and that’s where already having a PR can have an impact.

  5. “Does earning PR facilitate the process of applying for Japanese citizenship”

    Not directly, but it will enable you to unconditionally remain a resident of Japan during your current period of stay I.e if say you’re on a work visa and lose your job at year 3 of consecutive residency. Then should you not find a new one you may eventually have to leave Japan. And obviously you can’t naturalize to Japan if you don’t reside here.

    PR gets rid of that additional hurdle.

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