Tattoos in Japan

I would love to move to Japan, but I am nervous about how tattoos are received even on a foreigner. I am trying to become a nurse, and didn’t know if I would be accepted, or if I should put a cream or something on any revealing ones. Have tattoos become more accepted in Japan?

  1. My friend has lived there for many years and has full sleeves and some on his hands. He has a great tech job and has done very well for himself. I’m sure you’ll be fine.

  2. Been living here for 5 years with tattoos, one of which is clearly visible when I wear short sleeve shirts. Really not an issue. Onsen will hang up signs saying that tattoos aren’t allowed, but I’ve never had a problem. Sento are a bit more strict though. I’ve been kicked out of one after an old man complained about my tattoos. In general day to day life though, you’re completely fine.

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