Any Jets with Okinawa placements?

Just got placed in Okinawa!!! So excited to make new friends and explore the island!
Let’s make a discord or group chat on LINE~
My name is Andrew 🙂

  1. i got an okinawa placement!! you can add me on discord (should be on my profile)

  2. I just found my placement is in Okinawa! Can someone add the LINE group chat link so I can connect with you all? 🙂

  3. Before I got my placement I hoped I wouldn’t get Okinawa, and I didn’t. Got a Tohoku placement (which I wanted). Mainly due to the weather and wanting to experience the “real” Japan.

    But, I went there over spring break this year and now I’m super jealous of the JETs who get to live that island life.

    Enjoy your awesome placement!

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