Is it possible to write in Kanji only?

I mean written Chinese is basically just Kanji, right? So can Japanese people communicate with only Kanji and basically write Chinese?

  1. While it’s not a “real” thing, I remember a Japanese friend telling me about a bunch of memes involving pseudo-Chinese or 偽中国語 (にせちゅうごくご) where it’s basically Japanese but they basically strip away all kana.

    Grabbing the pseudo-Chinese example from Wikipedia (“貴方明日何処行”), I managed to understand what it meant as a learner. I’d imagine a native speaker would naturally be more comfortable with these kinds of things.

    Now of course there will be some cases which probably won’t make sense, but I believe writing the kanji characters alone can be used to communicate to some extent.

    投稿終了通読感謝 (this one’s probably wrong and all over the place but I wanted to try it out lol)

  2. 勿論可能。但日本人普段不理解中国語故無確定文法、毎人有個人的規則。可話中国語人模中国語文法、不可話人主使用似日本語文法。個人的我混日本語文法及英語文法。英語文法使用理由、語順似中国語(最小日本語以上)

    Anyway, it’s called 偽中国語 if you want to look it up. Here’s a recent example of people using it on Japanese reddit:

  3. Writing systems are not languages, they’re used to write languages. Chinese is not kanji, it’s written using kanji. That doesn’t mean a Japanese person can read it.

  4. I like seeing big long lines of kanji in the wild and trying to decipher them – usually on a government building or school or something religious. Gives you the feeling of being able to read ‘Chinese’. It’s nice to have kana to soften the blow in Japanese.

  5. Ts mch s wrtng Nglsh wtht vwls. Ntv spkrs cn rcnstrct mch frm cntxt bt t cn bcm qt hrd t rd. T ls wlnd b Chns bt jst Jpns wth prt f th rthgrph mssng.

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