School trying to make me do a visa run

I got into a language school in Japan that starts in January (in a month). I have my flight booked and tuition paid, but I’m now starting to realize a dilemma. The school told me since my course starts so soon that I didn’t need to apply for a Visa because since I’m a Canadian passport holder, I could go to Korea for a bit and then re-enter Japan after 90 days. At the time I was so excited I didn’t even think about it but now with it being so soon, I’m not sure what to do. Should I start to apply for a Visa now and then try and get one in Japan? I will be there for 22 weeks so about double the time for a tourist visa.

  1. Get a refund. That is no way to run a business that specifically deals with this exact thing.

  2. While this is *legal*, it’s also super sketchy that your school would ask you to do this.

    Six month student visas are absolutely a thing that exists. Your school should have refused to let you enroll for a start date so soon.

    You ***cannot*** switch from a tourist visa to a student visa while in Japan, nor can you do so via a run to Korea.

    Like u/Tannerleaf said: Get a refund.

  3. Its pretty normal procedure for language schools offering 6 month courses. Doesn’t mean its good, but it is normal. You’re allowed to be in Japan for up to 180 days in any trailing 12 month period on tourist waivers.

    Don’t forget that while you’re here on tourist waivers you’re not allowed to work at all. No part time jobs teaching English. No online freelance work. Doesn’t matter if your customers are abroad and the payment is going to a foreign bank account. It’s not allowed.




    Just to clarify; Outside of specific circumstances you can’t change your status of residence from ‘tourist’ to something else while you’re in Japan. So that’s right out. If you applied for your CoE, somehow got it, and had it delivered to you while you were in Japan… You’d not be able to use it while here. You’d only be able to use it to apply for a visa from a country you’re either a citizen or resident of. So you’d not be able to hop over to South Korea and use it their either.

    You may be able to extend your tourist status from the standard 90 period to the full 180 period without leaving Japan though. You’d need to head to your local immigration office and talk to them about it. I’d recommend doing that over booking a weekend trip to Seoul and hoping the immigration officer at the airport doesn’t decide to ruin your year.

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