Computer Science in Japan

I have done research in this subreddit and it’s all mostly recommending not to study CS in Japan. Most of the posts I’ve seen are from 5+ years ago so I would like to know what you feel about studying CS here now and the job opportunities that come with it.

More info:

I’m planning to study undergrad CS here in Japan.

I currently live in Japan and planning to live my whole life here.

With that being said, I plan to work here only in Japan.

  1. Where is your home country?

    If it’s Japan, then it’s a no brainer to stay in Japan and go into a career field that you think you’ll like.

    If it’s the US, you have a lot more options. You don’t need a college degree for entry level positions. Just experience which you can build through self-learning, certifications, and a portfolio. You’ll also get paid significantly more in the US.

  2. Do you speak Japanese? How fluent are you? What about other languages?

    If you speak fluent Japanese and have no issues learning in Japanese, you’d probably get better asking for advice/researching in Japanese.

    If your Japanese isn’t quite up-to-par, do you have a reason for studying in Japan specifically? You could probably have a better learning experience in your native language if it isn’t Japanese.

  3. If you are only interested in CS and want to live your whole life in Japan, what do you expect people to say?

    I mean, if you were undecided between different majors, or between staying in Japan vs going somewhere else, people could weigh in. But the way you put it, there’s no other choice for you, is there?

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